Friday, May 13, 2011

The things I am starting to grieve...

Streets lined with trees.
Squirrels running across wires out my window.
Escalators for your shopping cart.
Bernie, the precious Italian lady who digs through the trash in our alleys and visits me every night at work to bring canned fruit from her fruit trees.
Never ending paths and parks along the river.
3-minute commute.
The smell of Tre Kronor in the mornings. (mmm..Swedish pastries)
Having our name on the buzzer downstairs.
Ringing the buzzer.
Answering the buzzer to let someone in. (Buzzers are quite fun.)
Everyone in shorts as soon as the thermometer hits 55.
My customers.

Thankful for every foggy breath I take in this rad city. Love living this urban life and all the people God has given to me along the way. A massive gift Chicago has been.