Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mint is Green.

I strongly dislike mint ice cream. Basically, its the worst type of ice cream that exists. Nick only buys mint chocolate chip ice cream. I can enjoy the chips, but that minty mint tastes like, you know what in my mouth. Apparently, I have never informed Nick of this truth. (Note: His favorite candy is Jr. Mints. Red flag from the start.)

About a week ago, my loving husband came home with groceries. To my dismay, mint chip ice cream was awaiting me in the freezer. I had to break the news to Nick. I couldn't live in this lie of neon green dessert any longer. So I subtly broke the news. "Nick. Please never buy this disgusting stuff parading around as ice cream ever again. Thanks." Good, right? I thought so.

Well, Nick huffed and puffed (not, really) and so I felt obligated to enjoy a cup of it after dinner.

He brings me my serving and I am in shock. IT'S NOT GREEN! Which to my taste buds, means it's not mint. Because mint is green.

To my surprise, I enjoy this sect of mint chip ice cream. Mint ice cream isn't so bad after all. Don't tell Nick, it will break my cool.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Books

Nick & I are reading some great books right now. Nick is reading Churched by Matthew Paul Turner. It is a hilarious story of the author's journey in an old school baptist church. Nick is constantly laughing out loud, Matthew Paul Turner's writing is refreshingly honest and sarcastic.

I am reading Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity by Keri Wyatt Kent. Learning about the importance of rest not only intentionally on Sabbath but as well as a sabbath type of living and rhythm everyday in our busy lives. Keri integrates a lot of our Christian heritage into this understanding which I really appreciate and am learning a lot from it.

When we rest intentionally in God's presence, we are saying, "God I trust you when you say your love is unconditional. Because I am receiving your love - without doing anything."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Random Happenings

Del Taco. A beautiful thing & a Bennett thing. So, as you can imagine, the excitement and joy that filled Nick and I when we found out that the closest Del Taco from Chicago was ONLY 2 hours away. Immediately, we both knew what had to be done.

So, on Sunday, we drove down to South Bend, Indiana, and got ourselves some Del Taco.
Exploring new territory excites Nick and I. We love seeing new places. Even if they have absolutely no importance. (While we would both defend the great important of Del Taco.) We just drive, get away, and breathe in some new air together. We observe how other people live and take in their surroundings. It broadens our understanding. And mostly, we just love it.

Randomness helps push our schedules. We have to throw our box and get a new one. It keeps us on our toes - never getting too comfortable where we are.

We ended up walking around the Notre Dame campus and wow was it beautiful!

This glorious picture is too hilarious to pass by. That Del Taco was worth the drive.

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Grandmother's Things

We accumulate stuff. Sometimes I question it. But at my great-grandma's memorial service a couple weeks ago. It all made sense to me.

I got the honor of keeping a few of her collected "things" and jewelry. It has a sense of her with it. A sense of a life lived. A very well lived life in this case. "Things" are so temporary. But sometimes temporary is all we can muster up to symbolize the earthly life we live. This vase existed in her midst, it surrounded her during her days and filled her home. They were hers, and now a part of her is mine.

I wonder what "things" my great-granddaughter will have of mine, what things that I'll leave behind.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Painting Sooths My Soul

When I paint, joy overflows. For anyone, getting to be a part of something you love doing is overwhelming and brings so much happiness. I think of my brother playing baseball. When he misses even one day out on the field, he is itching for some dirt. I itch to paint. About a week ago, I realized the potential I had in me, and was done letting it sit. So I am starting my own paitning business. It is really exciting for me. The excuse I have to spend my time painting now is really incredible. Can't wait to see where it goes, and in the mean time just enjoying where it is.

If you get a sec, check out my new site. Or join my "Canvases by Brit" group on facebook.

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Tie & Some Heels

Never underestimate some intentional, quality time together. Our busy, and usually not-in-tune, schedules don't allow for much time together longer than 20 minutes. So we took a gift card, and even after a long day of work for me, made plans, went for it, got on the train, went downtown, and had a steak dinner. Fancy stuff. We had so much fun tonight. Dressing up and going out on the town.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Am a Proud Herb Garden Owner

My creative, more crafty side likes to show its pretty face once in a while. But crafty in this case, DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT mean green savvy. Plants, not my thing. Painting them, yes. Love them, yes. Keeping them alive, not so much. I can't even keep cactus alive. Seriously. We bought two mini cactus, that require literally zero maintenance, and yep, you guessed it, they are already on their last prickle.

But lately, I have been itchin' for some craftiness. So brilliant Brittany came up with - Plant an Herb Garden! Yes! Herbs, sound like a piece of cake. Easiest of all plants to plant, right? Well, I hope so!

Couldn't manage to pick out the pieces needed on my own, so I found the perfect solution. A Herb Garden KIT! All the pieces already put together. I just get to do the fun part! (I'm pretty sure that's half cheating, but I'm ok with that.)
The directions were my buddy on this one. Maybe next time I will be able to do it all by myself! :)

Don't be mistaken - I'm not making tacos for dinner. This is my pellet made soil, not beef.

Filling the pots!

This is when I get my craft on.

They all have a place! And I am a proud owner! Not too shabby.

Guess I will keep you posted on how long of a life these little guys have. Keep our fingers crossed and hope that I remember to water them. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Little Things

We have found joy in the little things. Getting new chucks (as a gift), eating ice cream, renting $1 movies, getting lost in the city, having pb&j's for lunch 5 out 7 days of the week, singing at the top of our lungs in the car, and getting an ac unit in our new apartment. These are the things that make up our days. Finding joy together comes in very ordinary ways. To expect crazy, big, monumental, life changing events everyday would only be a let down and a disappointment for us. Instead, we are amazed at each day, even if it is totally uneventful. This way, we experience all the little things in life and everything in it becomes another beautiful gift.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Biking Adventures

One of the first things we did when we got married, was buy ourselves some bikes. A present to ourselves. We love taking them out, and the great thing about Chicago, is they make for great transportation. Free transportation as well. Road biking is fun in the city, except for when a bus tries to run you off the street, but it is nice to get away once in a while. Nick knows this more than me, he is really the biker of the two of us (I just bike to school, a few blocks away). But what I love, is on days like today, when we take our bikes about a mile out of the city and find forestry paths. We don't have to go far to feel like we're in another part of the midwest. The best of both worlds, when it comes to bikes anyway. One minute - buses and trains, potholes and fog - the next minute - green trees and clean air. We had a blast today. And as a treat, fruit snacks.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

the flower girl

I was a happy girl with lots of flowers for Nick and I's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Has it already been a year?!


Light is a new found love. Living in a basement apartment before this, we didn't get to enjoy that glorious phenomenon.

Rockin original, chicago, hardwood floors. And our favorite part - we're on the top floor!