My creative, more crafty side likes to show its pretty face once in a while. But crafty in this case, DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT mean green savvy. Plants, not my thing. Painting them, yes. Love them, yes. Keeping them alive, not so much. I can't even keep cactus alive. Seriously. We bought two mini cactus, that require literally zero maintenance, and yep, you guessed it, they are already on their last prickle.
But lately, I have been itchin' for some craftiness. So brilliant Brittany came up with - Plant an Herb Garden! Yes! Herbs, sound like a piece of cake. Easiest of all plants to plant, right? Well, I hope so!
Couldn't manage to pick out the pieces needed on my own, so I found the perfect solution. A Herb Garden KIT! All the pieces already put together. I just get to do the fun part! (I'm pretty sure that's half cheating, but I'm ok with that.)
The directions were my buddy on this one. Maybe next time I will be able to do it all by myself! :)
Don't be mistaken - I'm not making tacos for dinner. This is my pellet made soil, not beef.
Filling the pots!
This is when I get my craft on.
Guess I will keep you posted on how long of a life these little guys have. Keep our fingers crossed and hope that I remember to water them. :)
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