One of the first things we did when we got married, was buy ourselves some bikes. A present to ourselves. We love taking them out, and the great thing about Chicago, is they make for great transportation. Free transportation as well. Road biking is fun in the city, except for when a bus tries to run you off the street, but it is nice to get away once in a while. Nick knows this more than me, he is really the biker of the two of us (I just bike to school, a few blocks away). But what I love, is on days like today, when we take our bikes about a mile out of the city and find forestry paths. We don't have to go far to feel like we're in another part of the midwest. The best of both worlds, when it comes to bikes anyway. One minute - buses and trains, potholes and fog - the next minute - green trees and clean air. We had a blast today. And as a treat, fruit snacks.
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