I strongly dislike mint ice cream. Basically, its the worst type of ice cream that exists. Nick only buys mint chocolate chip ice cream. I can enjoy the chips, but that minty mint tastes like, you know what in my mouth. Apparently, I have never informed Nick of this truth. (Note: His favorite candy is Jr. Mints. Red flag from the start.)
About a week ago, my loving husband came home with groceries. To my dismay, mint chip ice cream was awaiting me in the freezer. I had to break the news to Nick. I couldn't live in this lie of neon green dessert any longer. So I subtly broke the news. "Nick. Please never buy this disgusting stuff parading around as ice cream ever again. Thanks." Good, right? I thought so.
Well, Nick huffed and puffed (not, really) and so I felt obligated to enjoy a cup of it after dinner.
He brings me my serving and I am in shock. IT'S NOT GREEN! Which to my taste buds, means it's not mint. Because mint is green.
To my surprise, I enjoy this sect of mint chip ice cream. Mint ice cream isn't so bad after all. Don't tell Nick, it will break my cool.
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