Sunday, April 3, 2011


Life without hair isn't really any different then before. Though, there are a couple small differences I have quickly noticed. First, every door is opened for me. Second, there is an art to using small amounts of shampoo, which I have yet to master. And third, I have a new found obsession with earrings.

Really, I wasn't bald for long. Within 48 hours I already had myself a nice fuzzy dome. I feel like I blink and its another centimeter longer. Though, I find myself fairly often wishing it wouldn't grow so fast. Don't get me wrong, I have never felt so grateful for each sprouting hair. It is a sign of the wellness I so easily take for granted. But, it seems like for all that hype and excitement that built up to the event, I sort of would like to be bald for a couple months at least. That might sound totally absurd, and I know this isn't how it works, but I wanted to stick it out with the kids.

My tennis ball head still allows for it's long uncomfortable stares each and every day. A beautiful sign, I like to remind myself, of the hidden compassion within us all. It gives me a glimmer of hope for humanity, as everybody seems to have a heart for the sick (or who they assume are sick). I pray that more of us, myself included, would act on that compassion more often. We all need each other.

Anyway, I'm getting used to it. Only a couple weeks and it seems pretty usual now (for me, that is). As for the stares, eh, I could do without.


Anonymous said...

well, i think you look beautiful sans hair. it's neat to read about your experience. and it was really fun hanging out with you and kasey yesterday. hope to do it again soon!

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