Del Taco. A beautiful thing & a Bennett thing. So, as you can imagine, the excitement and joy that filled Nick and I when we found out that the closest Del Taco from Chicago was ONLY 2 hours away. Immediately, we both knew what had to be done.
So, on Sunday, we drove down to South Bend, Indiana, and got ourselves some Del Taco.
Exploring new territory excites Nick and I. We love seeing new places. Even if they have absolutely no importance. (While we would both defend the great important of Del Taco.) We just drive, get away, and breathe in some new air together. We observe how other people live and take in their surroundings. It broadens our understanding. And mostly, we just love it.
Randomness helps push our schedules. We have to throw our box and get a new one. It keeps us on our toes - never getting too comfortable where we are.
We ended up walking around the Notre Dame campus and wow was it beautiful!
This glorious picture is too hilarious to pass by. That Del Taco was worth the drive.
Love it! You are amazing. Gma
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